Commerce toolkit
A toolkit for building e-commerce websites with Cromwell CMS
Links- Read about Cromwell CMS toolkits in general:
- Live demo
- See examples of usage in theme-store.
Installnpm i @cromwell/toolkit-commerce
Some components of this package use react-toastify
. If you need notifications add ToastContainer
into your custom app:
import React from 'react';import { ToastContainer } from 'react-toastify';
export default function App() { return ( <div> /* ... */ <ToastContainer /> </div> );}
Add global CSS in cromwell.config.js
module.exports = { globalCss: [ '@cromwell/toolkit-commerce/dist/_index.css', 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css' ],}
UseExample of usage of a component for product category:
import { MuiCategoryList } from '@cromwell/toolkit-commerce';import React from 'react';
export default function CategoryPage() { return ( <MuiCategoryList /> )}
export const getStaticProps = MuiCategoryList.withGetProps();
List of components- AccountInfo
- AccountOrders
- Breadcrumbs
- CartList
- CategoryFilter
- CategoryList
- CategorySort
- Checkout
- CurrencySwitch
- ProductActions
- ProductAttributes
- ProductCard
- ProductGallery
- ProductReviews
- ProductSearch
- ViewedItems
- Wishlist
Material UI HOCs- MuiAccountInfo
- MuiAccountOrders
- MuiBreadcrumbs
- MuiCartList
- MuiCategoryList
- MuiCategorySort
- MuiCheckout
- MuiCurrencySwitch
- MuiProductActions
- MuiProductAttributes
- MuiProductCard
- MuiProductReviews
- MuiProductSearch
- MuiViewedItems
- MuiWishlist
Table of contents#
Type aliases- AccountFieldConfig
- AccountFieldProps
- AccountInfoProps
- AccountOrdersProps
- BreadcrumbsData
- BreadcrumbsProps
- CartListProps
- CategoryFilterProps
- CategoryListData
- CategoryListProps
- CategorySortProps
- CheckoutFieldConfig
- CheckoutFieldProps
- CheckoutProps
- CurrencySwitchProps
- NotifierActionOptions
- ProductActionsProps
- ProductAttributesProps
- ProductCardProps
- ProductGalleryProps
- ProductReviewsProps
- ProductSearchProps
- ReviewFormProps
- ReviewItemProps
- TSortOption
- ViewedItemsProps
- WishlistProps
Functions- AccountInfo
- AccountOrders
- Breadcrumbs
- CartList
- CategoryFilter
- CategoryList
- CategorySort
- Checkout
- CurrencySwitch
- MuiAccountInfo
- MuiAccountOrders
- MuiCartList
- MuiCategorySort
- MuiCheckout
- MuiCurrencySwitch
- MuiPagination
- MuiProductActions
- MuiProductAttributes
- MuiProductCard
- MuiProductReviews
- MuiProductSearch
- MuiViewedItems
- MuiWishlist
- ProductActions
- ProductAttributes
- ProductCard
- ProductGallery
- ProductReviews
- ProductSearch
- ViewedItems
- Wishlist
- useModuleState
- useProductVariants
Type aliases#
AccountFieldConfigƬ AccountFieldConfig: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
Component? | React.ComponentType <AccountFieldProps > |
key | keyof typeof DefaultAccountFields | string |
label? | string |
meta? | boolean |
required? | boolean |
validate? | (value? : null | string ) => { message : string ; valid : boolean } |
Defined inbase/AccountInfo/AccountInfo.tsx:51
AccountFieldPropsƬ AccountFieldProps: Omit
, "onChange"
> & { accountInfoProps?
: AccountInfoProps
; actions?
: ReturnType
<typeof useAccountActions
> ; onChange
: (value
: any
) => any
Defined inbase/AccountInfo/AccountInfo.tsx:45
AccountInfoPropsƬ AccountInfoProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "saveButton" , string >> | - |
elements? | Object | - |
elements.Button? | TBaseButton | - |
elements.TextField? | TBaseTextField | - |
fields? | AccountFieldConfig [] | User fields to display. Key can be one of enum DefaultAccountFields or any string. If key is not part of enum, then it will be treated as part of JSON address . If flag meta is provided then key will be treated as part of customMeta . |
notifier? | TCromwellNotify <NotifierActionOptions > | Notifier tool. To disable notifications pass an empty object |
notifierOptions? | NotifierActionOptions | Notifier options |
text? | Object | - |
text.failedToSave? | string | - |
text.fieldIsRequired? | string | - |
text.invalidEmail? | string | - |
text.saved? | string | - |
Defined inbase/AccountInfo/AccountInfo.tsx:12
AccountOrdersPropsƬ AccountOrdersProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "order" | "orderTitle" | "orderCart" | "detailsRow" | "totalText" | "detailsText" , string >> |
elements? | Object |
elements.CartList? | React.ComponentType <CartListProps > |
elements.Loadbox? | React.ComponentType |
text? | Object |
text.nothingHere? | string |
text.shipping? | string |
text.status? | string | | string |
getOrderTitle? | (order : TOrder ) => string |
Defined inbase/AccountOrders/AccountOrders.tsx:10
BreadcrumbsDataƬ BreadcrumbsData: { categories?
: TProductCategory
[] } | undefined
| null
Defined inbase/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.tsx:11
BreadcrumbsPropsƬ BreadcrumbsProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "breadcrumb" | "link" , string >> | - |
data? | BreadcrumbsData | Override data by manually calling getData function and passing its result |
elements? | Object | - |
elements.Breadcrumb? | React.ComponentType <Object > | - |
elements.HomeIcon? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.Wrapper? | React.ComponentType <Object > | - |
maxItems? | number | Max breadcrumb items. Currently is not implemented by base component. Can be implemented by wrappers. Implemented by MuiBreadcrumbs. |
showHome? | boolean | Show first breadcrumb as a link to home page / |
text? | Object | - |
text.home? | string | - |
getBreadcrumbLink? | (crumb : TProductCategory ) => undefined | string | - |
Defined inbase/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.tsx:20
CartListPropsƬ CartListProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
cart? | TStoreListItem [] | Pass custom cart to override retrieved cart from CStore |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "list" | "listItem" | "cartHeader" | "cartTotal" | "cartTotalText" | "productList" | "imageBlock" | "imageLink" | "image" | "captionBlock" | "productName" | "priceBlock" | "oldPrice" | "price" | "attributesBlock" | "actionsBlock" | "attributeValue" , string >> | - |
elements? | Object | - |
elements.Button? | TBaseButton | - |
elements.DeleteIcon? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.HeaderActions? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.ListItem? | React.ComponentType <CartListItemProps > | - |
elements.Loadbox? | React.ComponentType | - |
hideDelete? | boolean | Hide delete button for products from the list? |
sumPosition? | "top" | "bottom" | "none" | Position of cart header with sums (cart total) |
text? | Object | - | | string | - |
getProductLink? | (product : TProduct ) => undefined | string | - |
onProductClick? | (event : MouseEvent <Element , MouseEvent >, product : TProduct ) => void | - |
Defined in#
CategoryFilterPropsƬ CategoryFilterProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "plugin" , string >> |
Defined inbase/CategoryFilter/CategoryFilter.tsx:11
CategoryListDataƬ CategoryListData: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
category | TProductCategory | null |
firstPage? | TPagedList <TProduct > | null |
Defined inbase/CategoryList/CategoryList.tsx:21
CategoryListPropsƬ CategoryListProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
cardProps? | Partial <ProductCardProps > | Override product card props |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "list" , string >> | - |
data? | CategoryListData | - |
elements? | Object | - |
elements.Pagination? | React.ComponentType <TPaginationProps > | - |
elements.ProductCard? | React.ComponentType <ProductCardProps > | - |
listId? | string | Provide custom CBlock id to use for underlying CList |
listProps? | Partial <TCListProps <TProduct , any >> | CList props to pass, such as pageSize , etc. |
Defined inbase/CategoryList/CategoryList.tsx:31
CategorySortPropsƬ CategorySortProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "list" , string >> | - |
elements? | Object | - |
elements.Select? | TBaseSelect | - |
listId? | string | Provide another target CList id. Usually it is not needed, since this component can "detect" id of CategoryList on the same page. |
overrideOptions? | TSortOption [] | Override sort options |
text? | Object | - |
text.default? | string | - |
text.highestRated? | string | - |
text.mostPopular? | string | - |
text.priceHighest? | string | - |
text.priceLowest? | string | - |
text.sort? | string | - |
Defined inbase/CategorySort/CategorySort.tsx:15
CheckoutFieldConfigƬ CheckoutFieldConfig: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
Component? | React.ComponentType <CheckoutFieldProps > |
key | keyof typeof DefaultCheckoutFields | string |
label? | string |
meta? | boolean |
required? | boolean |
validate? | (value? : null | string ) => { message : string ; valid : boolean } |
Defined in#
CheckoutFieldPropsƬ CheckoutFieldProps: Omit
, "onChange"
> & { checkout
: ReturnType
<typeof usuCheckoutActions
> ; checkoutProps
: CheckoutProps
; onChange
: (value
: any
) => any
Defined inbase/Checkout/DefaultElements.tsx:19
CheckoutPropsƬ CheckoutProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "blockTitle" | "delimiter" | "detailsRow" | "withoutDiscountText" | "withoutDiscountValue" | "detailsRowName" | "detailsRowValue" | "totalText" | "totalValue" | "Coupons" | "couponList" | "coupon" | "couponActions" | "placedOrder" | "loadBoxCover" | "actionsBlock" | "placedOrderText" , string >> | - |
elements? | Object | - |
elements.AddCouponButton? | TBaseButton | - |
elements.ApplyCouponButton? | TBaseButton | - |
elements.Button? | TBaseButton | - |
elements.CouponAppliedIcon? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.CouponProblemIcon? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.EmptyCartAlert? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.Loadbox? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.PlacedOrder? | React.ComponentType <Object > | - |
elements.RadioGroup? | TBaseRadio | - |
elements.RemoveCouponButton? | TBaseButton | - |
elements.RemoveCouponIcon? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.TextField? | TBaseTextField | - |
fields? | CheckoutFieldConfig [] | Order fields to display. Key can be one of enum DefaultCheckoutFields or any string. If key is not part of enum, then it will be treated as part of JSON customerAddress . If flag meta is provided then key will be treated as part of customMeta . |
notifier? | TCromwellNotify <NotifierActionOptions > | Notifier tool. To disable notifications pass an empty object |
notifierOptions? | NotifierActionOptions | Notifier options |
text? | Object | - |
text.addCoupon? | string | - |
text.apply? | string | - |
text.cartTotal? | string | - |
text.cartWithoutDiscount? | string | - |
text.choosePaymentMethod? | string | - | | string | - |
text.failedCreateOrder? | string | - |
text.fieldIsRequired? | string | - |
text.fillOrderInformation? | string | - |
text.invalidEmail? | string | - |
text.noPaymentsAvailable? | string | - |
text.orderDetails? | string | - | | string | - |
text.payLater? | string | - |
text.paymentMethods? | string | - |
text.placeOrder? | string | - |
text.shipping? | string | - |
text.shippingAddress? | string | - |
text.shippingMethods? | string | - |
text.somethingWrongWithPayment? | string | - |
text.standardShipping? | string | - | | string | - |
text.yourCartIsEmpty? | string | - |
text.yourOrderPlaced? | string | - |
getPaymentOptions? | (session? : null | TOrderPaymentSession ) => TPaymentOption [] | Promise <TPaymentOption []> | - |
onGetOrderTotal? | (data : undefined | null | TOrderPaymentSession ) => void | - |
onPay? | (success : boolean ) => void | - |
onPlaceOrder? | (placedOrder : undefined | null | TOrder ) => void | - |
Defined in#
CurrencySwitchPropsƬ CurrencySwitchProps: Object
Displays select component of all available currencies in the store. Configure currencies in admin panel settings.
Type declarationName | Type |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "select" , string >> |
elements? | Object |
elements.Select? | TBaseSelect |
Defined inbase/CurrencySwitch/CurrencySwitch.tsx:13
NotifierActionOptionsƬ NotifierActionOptions: ToastOptions
& { Wrapper?
: React.ComponentType
> }
Defined in#
ProductActionsPropsƬ ProductActionsProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
attributes? | TAttribute [] | All available attributes in DB. If not passed will be fetched and cached automatically. |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "actionsCartBlock" | "actionButton" | "actionsWishlistBlock" , string >> | - |
disableEdit? | boolean | Disable editing of inner blocks in Theme editor |
elements? | Object | - |
elements.AddShoppingCartIcon? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.Alert? | TBaseAlert | - |
elements.Button? | TBaseButton | - |
elements.FavoriteIcon? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.QuantityField? | React.ComponentType <Object > | - |
elements.ShoppingCartIcon? | React.ComponentType | - |
modifiedProduct? | TProduct | null | Override modified product by onChange of ProductAttributes component. (not recommended since modifications already stored in the moduleState ) |
notifier? | TCromwellNotify <NotifierActionOptions > | Notifier tool. Will show notifications when user adds a product to the cart or wishlist. To disable notifications pass an empty object |
notifierOptions? | NotifierActionOptions | Notifier options |
product | TProduct | Product data. Required |
text? | Object | - |
text.addToCart? | string | - |
text.addToWishlist? | string | - |
text.addedClickToOpenCart? | string | - |
text.addedClickToOpenWishlist? | string | - |
text.onBackorder? | string | - |
text.openCart? | string | - |
text.openWishlist? | string | - |
text.outOfStock? | string | - |
text.pickFollowingAttributes? | string | - |
text.productIsInCart? | string | - |
text.productIsInWishlist? | string | - |
text.updateQuantity? | string | - |
onCartOpen? | () => any | - |
onWishlistOpen? | () => any | - |
Defined inbase/ProductActions/ProductActions.tsx:18
ProductAttributesPropsƬ ProductAttributesProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
attributes? | TAttribute [] | All available attributes |
canValidate? | boolean | Show error if some required attributes weren't selected? |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "attribute" | "headerWrapper" | "valuesWrapper" | "attributeValueIcon" | "attributeValueText" | "productAttributesValidate" | "attributeValueChecked" | "invalidAttributeValue" , string >> | - |
elements? | Object | UI elements to replace default ones |
elements.AttributeTitle? | React.ComponentType <Object > | Title of attribute block |
elements.AttributeValue? | React.ComponentType <Object > | Component for a value of an attribute. Must implement onClick prop |
product | TProduct | Product data. Required |
onChange? | (checkedAttributes : Record <string , string []>, modifiedProduct : TProduct ) => void | - |
Defined inbase/ProductAttributes/ProductAttributes.tsx:10
ProductCardPropsƬ ProductCardProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
attributes? | TAttribute [] | All available attributes in DB. If not passed will be fetched and cached automatically. |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "horizontal_variant" | "image" | "image_container" | "actions" | "action_button" | "title" | "price_block" | "description" | "rating" , string >> | - |
elements? | Object | - |
elements.AddCartButton? | React.ComponentType <TBaseButtonProps > | - |
elements.AddWishlistButton? | React.ComponentType <TBaseButtonProps > | - |
elements.OtherActions? | React.ComponentType <Object > | - |
elements.Rating? | React.ComponentType <TBaseRatingProps > | - |
elements.Tooltip? | React.ComponentType <TBaseTooltipProps > | - |
imageProps? | Partial <ImageProps > | Override props to underlying CImage |
noImagePlaceholderUrl? | string | URL to a placeholder image to use if a product has no primary image set. |
notifier? | TCromwellNotify <NotifierActionOptions > | Notifier tool. Will show notifications when user adds a product to the cart or wishlist. To disable notifications pass an empty object |
notifierOptions? | NotifierActionOptions | Notifier options |
product | TProduct | Product data. Required |
text? | Object | - |
text.addToCart? | string | - |
text.addToWishlist? | string | - |
text.clickToOpenCart? | string | - |
text.inCart? | string | - |
text.inWishlist? | string | - |
text.openCart? | string | - | | string | - |
variant? | "vertical" | "horizontal" | In vertical variant image at top and text at bottom (takes more vertical space). In horizontal variant image at left and text at right (takes more horizontal space). |
getProductLink? | (product : TProduct ) => undefined | string | - |
onAddedToCart? | (item : TStoreListItem , result : TCStoreOperationResult ) => void | - |
onFailedAddToCart? | (item : TStoreListItem , result : TCStoreOperationResult ) => void | - |
onOpenCart? | () => void | - |
onOpenWishlist? | () => void | - |
onProductLinkClick? | (event : MouseEvent <HTMLAnchorElement , MouseEvent >, link : string ) => any | - |
Defined inbase/ProductCard/ProductCard.tsx:28
ProductGalleryPropsƬ ProductGalleryProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
blockProps? | TCromwellBlockProps | Settings to pass to underlying CGallery block |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" , string >> | - |
gallerySettings? | TGallerySettings | Gallery settings to pass to underlying CGallery block |
noImagePlaceholder? | string | URL to a placeholder image to use if a product has no primary image set. |
product | TProduct | Product data. Required |
Defined inbase/ProductGallery/ProductGallery.tsx:8
ProductReviewsPropsƬ ProductReviewsProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "ReviewForm" | "reviewFormTitle" | "reviewInput" | "submitBtnWrapper" | "ReviewItem" | "itemHeader" | "itemUsername" | "itemCreateDate" | "itemTitle" | "itemDescription" , string >> | - |
disableEdit? | boolean | Disable editing of inner blocks in Theme editor |
elements? | Object | - |
elements.Alert? | TBaseAlert | - |
elements.Button? | TBaseButton | - |
elements.Pagination? | React.ComponentType <TPaginationProps > | - |
elements.Rating? | TBaseRating | - |
elements.ReviewForm? | React.ComponentType <ReviewFormProps > | Replace ReviewForm component by custom |
elements.ReviewItem? | React.ComponentType <ReviewItemProps > | Replace ReviewItem component by custom |
elements.TextField? | TBaseTextField | - |
elements.Title? | React.ComponentType | - |
elements.Tooltip? | TBaseTooltip | - |
listProps? | TCListProps <TProductReview , TReviewListItemProps > | Override props to CList |
notifier? | TCromwellNotify | Notifier tool |
productId | number | Target product's ID. Required |
text? | Object | - |
text.failedToSubmit? | string | - |
text.fieldNameLabel? | string | - |
text.fieldRequired? | string | - |
text.fieldReviewLabel? | string | - |
text.fieldTitleLabel? | string | - |
text.submitButton? | string | - |
text.submitSuccess? | string | - |
text.writeReview? | string | - |
Defined inbase/ProductReviews/ProductReviews.tsx:25
ProductSearchPropsƬ ProductSearchProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type | Description |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "content" | "notFoundText" | "item" | "itemImage" | "itemTitle" | "priceBlock" | "oldPrice" | "price" , string >> | - |
customFragment? | DocumentNode | Custom GraphQL fragment on Product |
customFragmentName? | string | Name of custom fragment |
elements? | Object | - |
elements.ListItem? | React.ComponentType <ListItemProps > | - |
elements.Popper? | React.ComponentType <BasePopperProps > | - |
elements.TextField? | TBaseTextField | - |
text? | Object | - |
text.notFound? | string | - |
text.searchLabel? | string | - |
Defined inbase/ProductSearch/ProductSearch.tsx:13
ReviewFormPropsƬ ReviewFormProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
notifier? | TCromwellNotify |
parentProps | ProductReviewsProps |
productId | number |
Defined inbase/ProductReviews/ReviewForm.tsx:14
ReviewItemPropsƬ ReviewItemProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
data? | TProductReview |
parentProps | ProductReviewsProps |
Defined inbase/ProductReviews/ReviewItem.tsx:10
TSortOptionƬ TSortOption: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
direction? | "ASC" | "DESC" |
key | keyof TProduct |
label | string |
Defined inbase/CategorySort/CategorySort.tsx:9
ViewedItemsPropsƬ ViewedItemsProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "product" , string >> |
elements? | Object |
elements.Loadbox? | React.ComponentType |
elements.ProductCard? | React.ComponentType <ProductCardProps > |
Defined inbase/ViewedItems/ViewedItems.tsx:9
WishlistPropsƬ WishlistProps: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
classes? | Partial <Record <"root" | "product" , string >> |
elements? | Object |
elements.Loadbox? | React.ComponentType |
elements.ProductCard? | React.ComponentType <ProductCardProps > |
Defined in#
DefaultAccountFields• Const
DefaultAccountFields: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
address | string |
avatar | string |
bio | string |
email | string |
fullName | string |
phone | string |
Defined inbase/AccountInfo/DefaultElements.tsx:7
DefaultCheckoutFields• Const
DefaultCheckoutFields: Object
Type declarationName | Type |
customerComment | string |
customerEmail | string |
customerName | string |
customerPhone | string |
Defined inbase/Checkout/DefaultElements.tsx:7
MuiBreadcrumbs• Const
MuiBreadcrumbs: typeof Breadcrumbs
Defined in#
MuiCategoryList• Const
MuiCategoryList: typeof CategoryList
Defined in#
moduleState• Const
moduleState: ModuleState
Defined in#
muiNotifier• Const
muiNotifier: Notifier
Defined in#
AccountInfoâ–¸ AccountInfo(props
): null
| Element
Displays account fields (such as phone, address, email, etc)
and allows users to change them. User must be logged in via SignIn
of @cromwell/core-frontend
or via AuthClient
) for this
component to work.
ParametersName | Type |
props | AccountInfoProps |
| Element
Defined inbase/AccountInfo/AccountInfo.tsx:66
AccountOrdersâ–¸ AccountOrders(props
): null
| Element
Displays all store orders placed by currently logged in account.
User must be logged in via SignIn
component of @cromwell/core-frontend
or via AuthClient
) for this component to work.
ParametersName | Type |
props | AccountOrdersProps |
| Element
Defined inbase/AccountOrders/AccountOrders.tsx:37
Breadcrumbsâ–¸ Breadcrumbs(props
): Element
Represents breadcrumbs of categories on a product page.
- optional or use getDatagetData
- availableuseData
- available
ParametersName | Type |
props | BreadcrumbsProps |
Defined inbase/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.tsx:75
CartListâ–¸ CartList(props
): Element
Displays product list of user cart. Use CStore API from @cromwell/core-frontend
package to add products in the list
ParametersName | Type |
props | CartListProps |
Defined in#
CategoryFilterâ–¸ CategoryFilter(props
): Element
Renders product filter on a category page. A wrapper for plugin from
- required
ParametersName | Type |
props | CategoryFilterProps |
Defined inbase/CategoryFilter/CategoryFilter.tsx:21
CategoryListâ–¸ CategoryList(props
): Element
Renders product list on category page
- required. Data on the frontend can be overriddenuseData
- available
ParametersName | Type |
props | CategoryListProps |
Defined inbase/CategoryList/CategoryList.tsx:63
CategorySortâ–¸ CategorySort(props
): Element
A component for picking method of sorting for products in CategoryList
ParametersName | Type |
props | CategorySortProps |
Defined inbase/CategorySort/CategorySort.tsx:44
Checkoutâ–¸ Checkout(props
): Element
Displays checkout session.
Handles order calculations, coupons, payments and order placement.
Provide prop fields
to display any input field, such as: email, phone, etc.
ParametersName | Type |
props | CheckoutProps |
Defined inbase/Checkout/Checkout.tsx:114
CurrencySwitchâ–¸ CurrencySwitch(props
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | CurrencySwitchProps |
Defined inbase/CurrencySwitch/CurrencySwitch.tsx:21
MuiAccountInfoâ–¸ Const
): null
| Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | AccountInfoProps |
| Element
Defined in#
MuiAccountOrdersâ–¸ Const
): null
| Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | AccountOrdersProps |
| Element
Defined in#
MuiCartListâ–¸ Const
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | CartListProps |
Defined in#
MuiCategorySortâ–¸ Const
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | CategorySortProps |
Defined in#
MuiCheckoutâ–¸ Const
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | CheckoutProps |
Defined in#
MuiCurrencySwitchâ–¸ Const
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | CurrencySwitchProps |
Defined in#
MuiPaginationâ–¸ Const
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | Object |
props.count | number | | number |
props.onChange | (page : number ) => void |
Defined in#
MuiProductActionsâ–¸ Const
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductActionsProps |
Defined in#
MuiProductAttributesâ–¸ Const
): JSX.Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductAttributesProps |
Defined in#
MuiProductCardâ–¸ Const
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductCardProps |
Defined in#
MuiProductReviewsâ–¸ Const
): null
| Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductReviewsProps |
| Element
Defined in#
MuiProductSearchâ–¸ Const
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductSearchProps |
Defined in#
MuiViewedItemsâ–¸ Const
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | ViewedItemsProps |
Defined in#
MuiWishlistâ–¸ Const
): Element
ParametersName | Type |
props | WishlistProps |
Defined in#
ProductActionsâ–¸ ProductActions(props
): Element
Displays actions (buttons) on product page such as: add to cart/wishlist, amount picker. Handles cart and shows notifications.
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductActionsProps |
Defined inbase/ProductActions/ProductActions.tsx:92
ProductAttributesâ–¸ ProductAttributes(props
): JSX.Element
Displays product's attributes.
When user picks an attribute applies product variant and returns modified
product from onChange
function prop.
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductAttributesProps |
Defined inbase/ProductAttributes/ProductAttributes.tsx:60
ProductCardâ–¸ ProductCard(props
): Element
Displays product cart with short product info. Used to display in product list of a product category
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductCardProps |
Defined inbase/ProductCard/ProductCard.tsx:108
ProductGalleryâ–¸ ProductGallery(props
): Element
Displays a gallery of product images.
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductGalleryProps |
Defined inbase/ProductGallery/ProductGallery.tsx:33
ProductReviewsâ–¸ ProductReviews(props
): null
| Element
Displays customer reviews of a product. Fetches data client-side
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductReviewsProps |
| Element
Defined inbase/ProductReviews/ProductReviews.tsx:90
ProductSearchâ–¸ ProductSearch(props
): Element
Search input field. Queries products in the store. Results are shown in pop-up window on user input.
ParametersName | Type |
props | ProductSearchProps |
Defined inbase/ProductSearch/ProductSearch.tsx:42
ViewedItemsâ–¸ ViewedItems(props
): Element
List of products that have been added into ViewedItems
of CStore
ParametersName | Type |
props | ViewedItemsProps |
Defined inbase/ViewedItems/ViewedItems.tsx:20
Wishlistâ–¸ Wishlist(props
): Element
List of products that have been added into Wishlist
of CStore
ParametersName | Type |
props | WishlistProps |
Defined in#
useModuleStateâ–¸ Const
useModuleState(): ModuleState
A hook that gives an access to the store
of this toolkit.
It will also re-render component on store updates.
Defined in#
useProductVariantsâ–¸ Const
): TProduct
A hook that will track selection of product attributes by user and apply product variants, so returned value will be modified product (new object). Store this value in a separate variable and do not pass this modified value back.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
original? | null | TProduct | Original, unmodified product |