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Cromwell CMS intends to provide ready full-featured solution for online stores. A convenient payments service is a must-have feature for a modern store website.
We do not promote any payments service provider, and new providers will be added subsequently. Please create and upvote such requests at

Right now we have integrations with the following services:


We use this provider by default in test mode, so you can already try it in the default store theme. To make a test payment you can use card number 4242 4242 4242 4242.

To setup your payments, create a new account at, go to dashboard > developers > API keys and copy Secret key. Now go to Cromwell Admin panel > Plugins > Stripe integration > paste your key into Stripe Secret API Key field, click Save.
After you activate and setup your Stripe account at payments should work.

If Pay with card / Google Pay button is still disabled in your default store, there may be something wrong with your account setup. You can check server's logs or [project root]/.cromwell/logs/error.log for detailed info.