Deployment and Scalability
Cromwell CMS is designed to be scalable. CMS consists of three independent services which could be deployed separately. You can see more info about services in development document.
By default command npx cromwell start
will launch all three services, but it's possible to launch services independently via CLI.
- Run
npx crw s --sv s
to start API server. - Run
npx crw s --sv r
to start Next.js server (renderer). - Run
npx crw s --sv s
to start admin panel server.
DeploymentInstall Nginx and place default config at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
to proxy CMS services and serve static files:
worker_processes 5;worker_rlimit_nofile 8192;
events { worker_connections 4096;}
http { upstream api { server; }
upstream admin { server; }
upstream nextjs { server; }
server { listen 80; listen [::]:80;
absolute_redirect off; root /path/to/your/project/;
location / { try_files /public/$uri @frontend; }
location /bundled-modules/ { try_files /.cromwell/$uri =404; }
location @frontend { proxy_pass http://nextjs; add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN; add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff; add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"; }
location /api/ { add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true'; proxy_hide_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'; add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' "$host"; proxy_read_timeout 300; proxy_connect_timeout 300; proxy_send_timeout 300;
proxy_pass http://api; default_type application/json; }
location /admin { proxy_pass http://admin; add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN; add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff; add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"; } }}
Replace root path by your path to the project.
Load balancingFor heavily loaded websites you will need to distribute traffic between instances on multiple machines. Even if it's not the case for you, it is still recommended to do if you have enough RAM on you server. It will provide higher fault-tolerance (in case if one server goes down).
For group of server to work together in load balancing we need to make proper configurations.
In this example let's configure multiple instances of API server.
1. Create and run projects on all machinesRun npx @cromwell/cli create my-website-name
. Connect to a database server, as in configuration guide
2. Provide URL to server groupIf any CMS service cannot be found at default location, you need to provide a URL to it in the config, so other services will know where to find it. As in the example, Next.js server will still look for API server at default http://localhost:4016
. To fix the issue specify apiUrl
in the cmsconfig.json.
In example with load balancing, you need to set public address of Nginx webserver. Place this config on machines with other services, such as Next.js or Admin panel.
If you configured Nginx with your domain, and you planning for it to do load-balancing then:
{+ "apiUrl": "", "orm": {
3. Setup interservice authenticationData requests from Next.js server contain a token in headers, so API server can serve private data (settings of Plugins configured in admin panel may contain secret API tokens for integrated services: Stripe, etc, so it is protected by authentication). For authentication to work you need to add serviceSecret
in cmsconfig.json
as described in configuration doc.
{ "apiUrl": "",+ "serviceSecret": "your-secret", "orm": {
Place this config on all machines
4. User authenticationUser authentication, such as in Admin panel, works via JWT. This method requires to have same secrets on all machines with API server.
{ "apiUrl": "", "serviceSecret": "your-secret",+ "accessTokenSecret": "your-secret1",+ "refreshTokenSecret": "your-secret2", "orm": {
5. Run servers on all machinesRun npx crw s --sv s
to launch only API server. First time you can launch it this way to see server logs and ensure there's no errors. To run the server in background add flag -d
to start in detached from terminal mode: npx crw s --sv s -d
6. Configure load balancerIf you are decided to use Nginx as load-balancer then you need to modify Nginx config to enable Round Robin method:
http { upstream api {- server;+ server server1-address:4016;+ server server2-address:4016; }
Multiple instances on one machineFor smaller websites it also can be beneficial to set up load balancing on one machine if it has enough RAM. 2 GB or more can be sufficient.
In one project just run servers on different ports with commands:
npx crw s --sv s -p 4016npx crw s --sv s -p 4017
Edit Nginx config:
http { upstream api { server;+ server; }
Provide URL to the server group:
{+ "apiUrl": "", "orm": {
No further configuration with tokens is required, since tokens will be synchronized inside one project.
CaveatsCMS services must have an access to the same file system. For example, a user can install a plugin or upload a file. If you host API servers on different machines, you need to configure a third party service that will emulate a shared file system for all of them.
For example, you can host on AWS EC2 and configure EFS for EC2 instances.